User Access

  1. I do not have campaign creation access. Who should I contact?

    • Reach out to your agency PIC(s) to request for campaign create access. Refer to our policy guide for more information.

  2. How can I add new agency administrators to Postman?

    • Agency administrator role is only granted upon receiving confirmation from your agency's CIO, as this is part of our requirement for adding new PIC(s).

    • Please obtain confirmation from your agency's CIO regarding the appointment of new PIC(s), and send your request to BTN contact us form.

  3. How can I remove current PIC(s)?

    • Please send your request to after ensuring there is a new PIC for your agency. We will then downgrade the PIC role from agency administrator to ops officer, where there will not be campaign creation access but will remain as a member in existing campaigns to send messages.

    • Should you wish to replace existing PIC(s), please send your replacement request, together with your CIO confirmation on the new PIC appointment, to BTN contact us form.

  4. Every government officer has login access to the Postman admin portal. How do we remove the previous PIC's access from the existing campaigns?

    • Users with "Full access" role to campaigns are to remove the previous PIC from campaigns

    • Add the new PIC as "Full access" member to campaigns if the previous PIC is the only member of campaigns that were created by the previous PIC.

Last updated