Character count

Character count

We recommend sending messages that are no more than 320 characters to ensure the best deliverability and user experience.

Message Segment (message blocks)

In Postman, a single SMS can comprise of more than 160 characters (ie. more than 1 message segment).

The first message segment supports up to 160 characters.

When your SMS comprises of more than 160 characters, each message segment will then contain 153 characters per message segment. Your SMS will be split into message segments of 153 characters, before they are combined and sent out as a single SMS to recipients. It is recommended that the body content of each SMS should not exceed 320 characters.

How many characters does my message contain?

You may count your message characters via Postman's message segment calculator.

Postman's message segment calculator

Message characters count

Postman's message character count is set at a maximum of 1000 characters, excluding the header and footer.

As a precautionary measure, agencies are strongly advised to set their character count for each message body at 320 characters, excluding the header and footer. A warning sign will appear for messages beyond 320 characters.

Upon reaching 1000 characters (excluding header and footer), message sending will be disabled.

Message parameters alone i.e. {{variable}} do not count as characters. However, each populated message parameter adds towards overall character count. e.g. {{name}} is 0 characters, but {{name}} = john is 4 characters.

Last updated