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You can only start configuring your Twilio account after you have completed the .
You will first need to configure your Twilio account to ensure that it is functioning and is mapped to your Sender ID.
Upon creating a campaign name, you will be taken to select the campaign channel type.
Select Internal Staff
and scroll down to key in your Twilio Credentials.
An account SID is the unique identifier assigned to your agency account, much like an NRIC number. This is immediately available on your dashboard once you log into your account console.
Insert your Account SID from your Twilio account console into Postman.
To set up your API key for Postman, select API keys & tokens
on the side dashboard under Accounts.
Then, create a new standard API key by selecting Create API key
Create a friendly name
for your API key so you can easily identify it in the future, and select Standard
as the API key type.
You can find your API key under the Auth Tokens & API keys page.
Insert your API Key SID from your Twilio account console into Postman.
When creating your API key, a secret key
associated with your API key will be shown.
Save your secret key
Once you lose this secret key or if you do not save it, you will NOT be able to retrieve it again after moving on to the next step
Make sure you copy and save these details somewhere safe
Check the box and click Done
Insert your API Secret Key from your Twilio account console into Postman.
This is the last detail you need to save before proceeding to Postman.
There is no need to purchase a US phone number if your are sending messages only to Singapore numbers.
If you don't have a need to purchase a phone number, follow these steps to obtain your messaging service SID.
Go back to your Twilio home page, and select Set up a Messaging Service
On the side bar, click Develop
> Messaging
> Services
> Create Messaging Service.
Name your messaging service and indicate the purpose. This will help you better identify your use cases, especially if you have multiple, and will also help Twilio detect your specific use case quicker should you need their help for troubleshooting.
Set up your alphanumeric Sender ID
Configure your alphanumeric Sender ID by selecting Alpha Sender
under Add Senders
> Sender Type.
Click Continue
. You may ignore the notification indicating that Alphanumeric Sender is not enabled for this account.
Specify the Alphanumeric Sender ID you want to use in the text box.
It is best to align the Alphanumeric Sender ID with the Sender ID that you registered with SGNIC.
If the Alphanumeric Sender ID you chose is protected, you will notice either of the two things below.
You encounter an error when setting it up on the Sender Pool page
You may not receive any message when you send a test SMS
This also means that this Sender ID has been registered by another entity and you will not be able to use it.
Once you have completed the step above, you may click the Skip Setup
button below.
After clicking "Skip setup" in the step above, you should be brought to the Properties page of this Messaging Service.
On this page, you should be able to find the Messaging Service ID.
Insert your Messaging Service SID into Postman.
Under your Expected Sender Name
, enter your registered Sender ID.
Upon configuring your Twilio account, you will be able to obtain the necessary Twilio credentials required for you to input into your Postman campaign. More information can be found in
(this is unretrievable once you proceed beyond this step, so make sure you have saved somewhere, or you will need to redo the set-up process to generate new keys).
If you are sending SMSes to foreign numbers, you will still need to purchase a phone number at USD$1.15. Otherwise, your messages will not be delivered. Find out how to purchase a phone number , and follow these to set up your messaging service ID. You can ignore the steps below if you are purchasing a phone number.
You have now completed the set up of your internal channel. Continue creating the campaign by typing in your .