
We are using a Cursor-based pagination, a method of pagination that uses a unique identifier (cursor) to keep track of the current position in the dataset.

Here's a general overview of how it works:

  1. Usage: The Retrieve Batch API takes in parameters such as limit, search ,before, and after to control the pagination.

  2. Cursor: The before and after parameters are used to specify the cursor for fetching the previous or next page of results. The cursor typically represents the position of a specific record in the dataset.

  3. Sorting: The data is sorted by the createdAt followed by id

  4. Result: The response returns the paginated results along with cursors for the next and previous pages, allowing for easy navigation through the dataset.

Example Response
  "data": [
      "id": "message_62a2a141-97f8-4fc8-82db-36f539228322",
      "recipient": "6599999999",
      "values": {
        "recipientName": "Emily Yeo",
        "topic": "passport application #12345F"
      "language": "english",
      "latestStatus": "success",
      "error": ""
  "pageData": {
		"hasNextPage": false,
		"hasPreviousPage": false,
		"startCursor": "WyIyMDIzLTEwLTI0VDE3OjQwOjI1Ljk2OCswODowMCIsIm1lc3NhZ2VfM2E1MWI1ODctMzQ5OS00YTBmLTlkNGUtZTRlOWYzNWZkNmMxIl0=",
		"endCursor": "WyIyMDIzLTEwLTI0VDE3OjQwOjI1Ljk2OCswODowMCIsIm1lc3NhZ2VfM2E1MWI1ODctMzQ5OS00YTBmLTlkNGUtZTRlOWYzNWZkNmMxIl0="

For example:

  1. hasNextPage tells you if there's a next page in the queried data object

    1. To go to the next page, you can use the after Query Parameter with the current page's endCursor value.

  2. hasPreviousPagetells you if there's a previous page in the queried data object

    1. To go to the previous page, you can use the before Query Parameter with the current page's startCursor value.

List of Apis that has pagination

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